Cold War Trieste: the Politicization of a Border City (Manuscript in
Book Chapters:
“Resisting Détente: the Associative Network and the Osimo Treaties,” in
Italy, Yugoslavia, and International Politics in the Age of Détente,
ed. Massimo Bucarelli, Luca Micheletta, Luciano Monzali e Luca Riccardi
(Peter Lang, International Issues 2016).
Book Reviews:
Review of La difesa dell'italianità. L’Ufficio per le zone di confine a Bolzano, Trento e Trieste
(1945-1954), by Diego D’Amelio, Andrea Di Michle, and Giorgio Mezzalira, H-Net Italy (in
Review of Garibaldi, by Andrea Possieri, H-Net Italy (February, 2015).
Refereed Journal Articles:
Guest Editor of “The Evolution of Italian Nationhood: Insight from the Adriatic Border” and
author of “From a Cosmopolitan to a Fascist Land: Adriatic Irredentism in Motion” a special edition
of Nationalities Papers (in Press).
“Fighting for Trieste: Nationalism and Political Violence at the Edge of the Iron Curtain”
Journal of Modern Italian Studies 21 (4) (2016): 599-622.
“Cold War Trieste: Metamorphosing Ideas of Italian Nationhood, 1945-1975,”Modern Italy
21 (1) (2016): 51-66.
“L'Associazionismo adriatico ed il mondo degli esuli: una risposta ad Osimo,” Qualestoria 21
(2) (2013): 109-131.
Web-Based Publications:
“From Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) to Mare Vestrum (Your Sea): Transatlantic Insecurity in the
Mediterranean,” Streit Talk (July 13, 2015).
“A Bloody Borderland: Insight into the Ukrainian Crisis,” Streit Talk (June 9, 2015).